Jurisdictions Served
Lewis Legal Services actively practices in the following jurisdictions: Marion County, including but not limited to Marion County Superior Courts, Marion County Circuit Court, Marion County IV-D Court, Marion County Paternity Court, Marion County Traffic Court, Marion County Initial Hearing Court, and Marion County Drug Treatment Court; Johnson County, including but not limited to Johnson County Superior Courts, Johnson County Circuit Court, Johnson County Family Court, Franklin City Court, and Greenwood City Court; Hamilton County, including but not limited to Hamilton County Superior Courts, Hamilton County Circuit Court, Hamilton County Traffic Court, Hamilton County Drug Court, Hamilton County Veteran Court, Carmel City Court, Fishers City Court and Noblesville City Court; Hendricks County, including but not limited to Hendricks County Superior Courts, Hendricks County Circuit Court, Avon Town Court, Brownsburg Town Court, and Plainfield Town Court; Boone County, including but not limited to Boone County Superior Courts, and Boone County Circuit Court.